​Life is about connection


Life is about connection; from the instant we take form, to those moments after birth when we discover the world through skin contact and warm touches, to bonding with people around us as we grow up, connection is everywhere. During this journey, we use our hands to discover and connect with the world around us.

Yet, in our current society things have become impersonalized and computerized, mass production has become the norm, work takes priority over family, and we are starting to feel disconnected from each other and from life itself.

We have forgotten that this beautiful journey of connection with ourselves, with loved ones, with other people, and with nature, is what makes life meaningful. We need to find a way to connect again.

With Etnia, we want to share with you that sense of connection.

Through our use of natural materials, we reconnect with nature.

Through the kind touch of our artisans’ hands, the raw materials form into the gorgeous items that we offer you. It is in that gentle connection between hand and object that magic takes place. This is what made with love really means: the love of the artisan for what they are creating, transmitted through their hands towards our items and then to you.

Through sharing with you about our objects, about our artisans and Mexican culture, our products will become the familiar and beloved items that adorn your walls, create cosy sofas, and live up your interior with splashes of colour. But they will be more than that because you will know where they came from, you will know their stories and you will love them for it.

Take another step on your journey of re-connection. There is a place in your home for handmade products, made from natural materials, where they can become a reminder that even in this disconnected world, connection is possible.

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